Floor marking tapes, also known as barrier tape, caution tape, warning tape, danger tape or hazard tape, is used to mark hazards, divide spaces, create aisles, or provide directions. They are commonly used in industrial and manufacturing facilities for floor marking.
Floor marking tapes can also be useful for helping workers put materials and equipment back in the right place, making it a key 5S, Lean manufacturing implementation tools. Creating distinctions between finished goods, raw goods, to-be-repaired goods, and equipment ensures mistakes are minimized and productivity and safety are both at the highest levels.
Tapes are an effective replacement for paints. Tapes are much faster and easier to install and replace, which dramatically reduces down times related to painting aisles and rails.
Key Features
- Anti-abrasion.
- Multi-colors, good conformity.
- Used for marking equipment and hazardous areas.
Specified for floor marking tape colors

- Black / yellow for Physical Hazards, workshop aisle marking.
- Red / white for Fire Prevention and Protection Equipment.
- Black / white for Housekeeping
- Green / white for Safety and First Aid
- Blue / white for Defective Machinery
- Orange / white for Traffic and Caution Warning
- Green for qualified product
- Red for defective product